Kamis, Maret 6Literasi Berkeadaban - Berbakti, Berkarya, Berarti

Tag: english



Karya, Puisi
O'Lord Life's getting Harder... Nowadays. How how how can I get through this? O'Lord O'Lord, help me, help this Unperfect Creatures. Who doesn't know what to do and what to do and what to do... With all the universe, I'm asking for help... To make easier for this Unperfect Creatures, to get through this Darkness... to get out from this Cage... I'm not an Animal. Release me... Ohhh You The Greatest and who made this Greatest Universe. I know You'll Listen when Nobody's Listening. So listen to me... O'Lord O'Lord who owns The Universe. O'Lord, give me one thing, a Light when I'm lost... O'Lord O'Lord who owns The Past and The Future. Give me one thing, a Heart to Recover... For the Past I Run, for the Future I Walk, For The Universe I Wake Up, and... For This Unperfect Creatures... I ...

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